Written By: Staff Writer—Ana Tzarev has traveled extensively throughout Africa, spending weeks at a time in numerous regions across the continent; all of these encounters are reflected in her powerful images of women and children. Her latest exhibition, "Grace Of Africa," celebrates the grace, beauty and resilience of the African people in a remarkable body of work that expresses the artist’s heartfelt connection and respect. "There is much about Africa that inspires me including the magnificent landscape, the vibrant markets and the range of local culture but nothing can compare with the intensity of experiencing firsthand the spirit and dignity of the African people. Their proud land is the cradle of civilization and I have great hope for the future, my paintings are a tribute to the strength and grace of Africa," says painter Ana Tzarev. For more information visit
www.anatzarev.com(Photo Credits: Ana Tzavarez "Girl From Akra" PR Newswire)
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