Written By: Nicole Parker-Jones—Young, up-and-coming, Nigerian-British author Lola Jaye has three published works under her belt, and she's only just getting started! Lola's first novel,
By The Time You Read This, follows the life of Lois Bates from age twelve to thirty, as she grows up in the company of her father Kevin, who passed away when Lois was just five-years-old, but left Lois with a manual to live by. Lola explains, "The manual tells her how to live, work and love and she tries her best to follow everything her dad has written, but sometimes it's hard." Lola's second publication
Reaching For The Stars, was released in the UK in the Spring of this year as part of the UK’s “Quick Reads” program in which bestselling authors deliver short new works
. Lola describes the book as a guide "on how to follow your dreams." Lola's third, and newest book,
While You Were Dreaming, is described by Lola as a "modern day Sleeping Beauty story."
Read more about the inspiring novelista by clicking on the "Read More" link ...

Lola traces her passion for writing to as early as when she was ten years old and crafting her own weekly series of stories written in the solitude of a top floor bedroom. However, it was after completing a lengthy research thesis while obtaining her Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regents College, that Lola realised she could actually write more— so she decided to write a full length novel! Her path to publication has been filled with ups and downs, and as Lola explains "mostly lows," but she finally found success when she decided to write a book that she herself liked and wanted to read.
By The Time You Read This is currently available in the US; Lola's other novels are available in the UK. Learn more about Lola by visiting her official website:
www.lolajaye.com(Photo Credits: Book Cover Art/Harper Collins)
Pretty cool. I think I may pick up her latest book.
I love you MIMI for exposing me to some great novels.
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