Written By: MIM!—Clutch Culture is the lovechild of diverse colours and rich prints that come together to create a very unique collection of clutch purses. Designed and hand-made by Mo Handahu, these awe-inspiring prints combined with vibrant colors make for a unique collection.

For more information, visit www.clutchculture.com.
(Photo Credits: Clutch Culture)
now this i am very very very impressed with - unlike some other stuff ppl are trying to market or sell - this i see uniqueness in her creative clutches. Her prints patterns are her own - not some ankara or african fabric she slapped on the clutches and call her own. Or some colored straws into a purse/clutch and call it thier own. We need to see UNIQUEness and thank you MIMI for posting this ladys work. Kudos to her
African Ladies lets be creative - and to all those using and overusing the african prints clearly not your own to make cushions, pillows, belts shoes dresses and what not please lets all try and be unique.
EXCELLENCE is the attention to detail and comin up with your own creative ideas INCLUDING PRINTS AND PATTERNS - not some hollandais designed cloth.
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