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Thursday, July 5, 2012

From The Current Issue Of MIMI: Lookie, Lookie ... Cheki Yule Dame

((  Written By:  Wendy Angel Nang'ayo  ))  Someone hit on me today.  FINA-fricking-LLY.  I don’t care if you all think I am the most pathetic human being alive, I don’t care if you all have a party and point and laugh at this admission, I don’t care if you have peed yourself already laughing, but it was an exciting moment for me.

Until he turned out to be 17.  Just my luck.  But that’s besides the point.  It was a good feeling because, with God as my witness, I am going through the drought of my life ... I really didn’t realize how good I had it back home in Nairobi until I moved to Vancouver.  Part of it, obviously, is due to the fact that half my life is spent in university trying to draw sense of the ramblings of my professors, most of whom drone on for ages without changing tone or pace (snore).  So much so that I’m barely ever just, you know, chilling at Starbucks or hanging out with friends in some other social settting so I don’t really socialize as much as I could.  And part of it also can be attributed to the way I’ve just completely let myself go and allowed depression to take me to McDonald’s to eat my sorrows away.  But part of it is the complete lack of guys with guts in Vancouver.
Read the rest of Lookie, Lookie ... Cheki Yule Dame in the current issue of MIMI.  You may also enjoy these articles from MIMI Magazine:  (( 1 )) A Typical African Woman,  (( 2 )) First Comes Baby, (( 3 )) Looking Back On Sex And Love, (( 4 ))   Being The Other Woman.

((  Photo Credits: © FUSE | PunchStock Photo ))


Anonymous said...

I do find that when I was at home, generally the men were more direct no matter what their race (I hate when these sorts of discussions become a discussion about "black guys" and "white guys"), so I'd say that part of it is cultural and is a reflection of what is social acceptable. But, I don't know where you draw the fine line between approaching a woman to try to get to know her, and ultimately harassing a woman by being overly aggressive.